2. A Sixteenth Century Quitclaim

The earliest memorial in the church to a member of the Hodsoll family can be seen in the nave to the memory of William Hodsoll of South Ash, gent who died on 27th December 1586 and who inherited South Ash from his mother on 19th March 1561.

Before we look at the quitclaim it might be of interest to show the ancestors of William Hodsoll; his father was John Hodsoll and his mother was Anne, his grandfather William Hodsoll held Parsons in Stansted in 1538-9 whilst his great-grandfather was Thomas Hodsoll mentioned in his father's will and who died 1536/7. Back a futher generation is William Hodsoll of Wrotham and Ash, tenant of the Manor of Stansted, who held Parsons 1493/4 and who died in 1499. Back a further generation is William Hodsoll who married Joan - died 1455. He was the son of John Hodsole of Kemsing and Stansted where he was party to a fine 1384/5 and paid a subsidy in 1373.

A quitclaim is a deed renouncing any possible right to a property and it is the earliest deed concerning South Ash Manor in the muniments now housed at the Centre for Kentish Studies at Maidstone and where they may be inspected. It is worded as follows:

"TO ALL X'PEN PEOPLE to whome this prestent Wryting shall come Anne Hodsoll wydowe late the wief of John Hodsoll late of Ashe in the parryshe of Stansted in the Countye of Kent yeoman deseassed Sendeth greting in our Lorde god everlasting KNOWE that me the saide Anne Hodsoll for a certeyne Some of money to me in hande at thensealying hereof by Will'm Hodsoll sonne and heyre of the saide John Hodsoll truely paide and for other good lawfull and reasonable causes and consyderac'ons me movyng. To have gyven grannted and confirmed and also remysed released and forever quytclaymed unto the saide Will'm Hodsoll and to his heyres ALL my right estate title clayme propertie use possesion interest and demande whatsover whiche I the saide Anne Hodsoll ever had have or hereafter shall or maye have by reason force or collor of any title or interest of Joynter dowry or otherwise that I had have or maye or ought to have or clayme of and in all that the Manor of South Ashe with all his rightes members and app'ten'nces thereunto belonging or in any wise apperteyning sytuat lying and beying in the Townes p'ishes and feldes of Kemsyng Ashe and Stansted in the Countie of Kent or in any of them And also of and in all other Landes Ten'ts Medowes of Leasues feadinges pastures com'ons woodes underwoodes rentes reverc'ons fruites and hereditamentes whatsoever with all and sing'ler their appurten'nces whiche discended and came from the saide John Hodsoll my late husband deceassed or any of his Anncestours or of in or to any of them or any part or parcell thereof SO ALWAIES that neyther I the saide Anne Hodsoll nor any other by or for me or in my name right or title shall or maye or ought by any meanes in tyme to come aske clayme chalenge or aforesaide Manor messuage landes Ten'tes Medows Leasues feadings pastures hereditamentes and other the premysses aforespecified nor of in or to any part or parcell thereof But that we and every one of us be and shalbe utterly and p'cell thereof from all Actions of right state title clayme and demande IN WITNESS Whereof to this my present Wryting I have sett my seale Geven the Nynetenth daie of Marche in the Thyrde yere of the reigne of our Sovereigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god Quene of England Frannce and Ireland Defender of the faith &c

 Seled and delyvered In the and ?......? at Ashe
 presens of John Loder and John Hadsol"
Attached to the parchment is a small circular brown wax seal with the initials IW.


The Landed Gentry (Hodsoll of Loose Court pedigree).

South Ash Manor Muniments

Leslie Morgan

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